It's a bikers world, at least in Copenhagen Denmark it is. I arrived to find bikes everywhere! Indeed my travel book even recommended that travelers should rent a bike in order to better xplore the city. Being a big biker, I was not going to anger the biking gods by not indulging in this biking center! So I rented a bike from my hostel (which is even nicer than my hostel in Iceland) and set off to explore the city.
It was a beautiful day, not a cloud in the sky with the temprature around 80. Copenhagen is full of beatiful green and colorful gardens, so I explored many of them, the britanicle garden created by the univfersity was particularly beatiful. After exploring the gardens I biked on and saw many of the famous buildings and squares in Copenhagen. Then I headed for the coast to check out Copenhagen's most famous site, the statue of the little mermaid!
I spent a good portion of the afternoon sprawled out in a park and reading a book, it seemed like the thing to do (the park was full of people doing the same as me).
In the evening I chatted with my two french roomates and then I went to the mainstreet to find some food stands and watch some of the street performers. Finally I called it an early night (no sleep 2 of the last 3 nights), so I could get up and catch a morning train to Oslo!
(This post tells what I did on the 3rd of July, I just could not post it until now)
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