So today I decided to go for another bike trip. I choose for my destination the small town of Modanella Italy. The town is internationally famous because this guy Enzo Ferrari started some small car company there and named it after himself (perhaps you have heard of this company!?).
At any rate the bike ride was through some beautiful country side areas of Italy, and I managed to get lost a bunch of time and tried to make up a bunch of different detours. The end result was I probably biked around 55 km instead of the 45 it should of taken to get there. Still the effort was well worth it. The Ferrari Galleria was awesome, a true Mecca for car enthusiasts and still worth the trip even if you are not a fanatic. Check out the pictures below to get a idea of what it was like.

One of the first Ferrari Racing Cars

2008 Version of the F1 Ferrari Racing Vehicle

Basically what this picture is showing is that Ferrari Dominates the F1 Grand Prix Circuits all over the world...

Classic Maserati

Newer "pedestrian" Ferrari

The engines are just phenomenal
Ultimate Ferrari Room!What follows is a video of one of the coolest rooms ever! Every person walked in and a huge smile would just appear on their faces (Ferrari even added mood music for the room!)

Still picture of the amazing room

And of course....this will be my future car!
I talked to some people from Australia at the Museum and turns out you can rent a Ferrari to test drive in Modanella! The Aussies did and said they drove absolutely spectacularly (one would sure hope so for their price tag), well like any good young male I had to check this out for my self! I was not too surprised though when I found that the price tag for a 10 minute drive was around $100. Needless to say after that I got on my bike and rode off into the sunset (as several Ferraris hummed by me!).