Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Blackflys 1 Fashion 0

Last Christmas I received a number of different items from my family in anticipation of spending my summer working in the boundary waters. These items ranged from tents and maps to sleeping blankets and water-bottles. One item that I received made me roll my eyes and sarcastically say that I never thought I would use the item as it represents a major fashion faux pas...this item of course is the horrific bug head net!

Bug Head Net: a major fashion faux pas

About a week ago here on the Gunflint Trail there was a major hatch of the dreaded black flies! While myself and other staff members armed ourselves with long sleeve shirts, pants, hats, and glasses and fought back valiantly with liberal amounts of bug spray and other long-shot remedies, ultimately our efforts were for naught as the black flies continued to grow in number and thereby were able to eventually overwhelm us by being a general nuisance that drove us to the brink of insanity and consequently threatened to bring our work to standstill. Thus several of us, myself included, in our desperation have brought out our secret weapon against these bugs.

I would like to tell you that when I wear the headnet I make it look good, but that would be like telling you that socks and sandals are a good combination....and we all know that is far from the truth (no matter how much certain fathers protest). As a result you will not find any photos of me wearing a headnet on this blog, instead you will just have to make due with the displayed google image rendition.

On the bright side we have projected lows of 28 and 22 degrees the next too nights, and while that is not great news when you live in an unheated dorm room without any type of insulation, it means the bugs may succumb to the cold and we could be granted a reprieve from their reign of terror, thus allowing us to put this embarrassing fashion trend behind us (for at least the time being).


Karen said...

Ben wants me to tell you that he appreciates your honesty in admitting how unfashionable it is to wear the head net. But he also thinks that while it's unfashionable it sure is a good thing you have something to protect yourself against the flies!

Dad said...

I just happen to be the person who picked out the head net at the store, and decided it had "Carl" written all over it. Sometimes parents do know best, and in my case it was due to my own years of trips to the BWCA and Canada.