No sooner had Hoeg set foot inside one of the Parliamentary office buildings and met his private tour (Ruth Larkin), then he was being told to move away from the front of the building due to a suspicious vehicle. Only Minutes later Hoeg along with the rest of the people in the building had to be evacuated from the building due to the concern that the abandoned vehicle outside the office building could be a car bomb. Indeed all adjacent buildings were evacuated, the nearby subway stations were closed down and London’s finest were called in to deal with the situation. The cavalry police were controlling the civilians while bomb squads, police, and other authorities dealt with the suspect vehicle. The situation defused when one very surprised looking British chap tried to make his way back to his abandoned car with a small can of gasoline. When the situation had concluded Hoeg, like Obama and McCain before him was allowed to go on his tour of Parliament. While it appears

(Picture - Police on Horseback dealing with the crowdcontrol after the situation defused)
Once again, Herr Hoeg ... you are following in your father's footsteps! Ask your Dad some day about his run-in with the Norwegian secret police in Oslo. Your Mom completely disavowed her relationship with your father at the time by making a hasty exit from the developing situation!
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