Earlier this summer I
blogged about a small fire in the BWCA not too far from Tuscarora Outfitters. Ultimately not much came of the fire as it stayed small and eventually went out. Well since I left Tuscarora a new fire started in the BWCA and has grown to somewhat staggering proportions. In one day alone it more then doubled in size from
4,500 acres to 11,000 acres and is very much still burning and growing thanks to generally dry conditions and plentiful wind in the area. Whats more the fire has been large enough that people not only can smell (and be bothered by) the smoke in most of the BWCA but also as
far south as the Twin Cities!
While the fire is a fair distance away from Tuscarora Outfitters (around 35 miles away) its affects are more then visible. Below are several pictures taken by Rachel Swenson, a co-worker of mine from Tuscarora. Needless to say the pictures are quite impressive.

The fire has now grown to over well over 100,000 acres. Here is a follow up from the Minneapolis paper. http://www.startribune.com/local/129731598.html
Tuscarora is a great for the travelling i spend some time in there some year ago and I have enjoyed a lot of. thanks for sharing such a great images.
Lone Mountain Truck Leasing
Tuscarora is just worth visiting, If you love traveling I really suggest to visit the place...
I just imagine of this blog, it really great informative details sharing.
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