السلام عليكم. هذا العام سافرت الى مغرب و ذهبت الى فاس رباط مراكش وزاكورة. احب مغرب كثيرا. هذا الصيف اسافر الى مغرب و ادرس اللغة العربية في فاس. ادرس الغة العربية في مغرب لمدة ستة اسبوع. انا متحمس السكن في بلد العربية واريد السكن مع اسرة عربية
So if you did not run to google translate to figure out what I just said here are the basics. (Title reads: Carl's Travel Blog in Arabic) After traveling to Morocco over spring break I am officially headed back! I plan to study Arabic in a six week intensive course at the Arabic Language Institute in Fez, Morocco. I am excited to spend more time living in an Arabic country and I also have signed up to live with an Arabic host family during my six week stay (space willing). My course starts June 1st (so right away) and ends on the 12th of July. Within a week of that time I will probably make my way home to Minnesota where I will spend several weeks this summer before heading to the East Coast in the fall.
As a final note I would just like to apologize to any native Arabic speakers who read my Arabic paragraph above as I imagine my grammar is atrocious....but even they should get the basic idea of what I am trying to say!
As a final note I would just like to apologize to any native Arabic speakers who read my Arabic paragraph above as I imagine my grammar is atrocious....but even they should get the basic idea of what I am trying to say!
Hello to Carl of Arabia! I went to Google Translate. This is what "the Google" says you are up to! (starts after this point) You. This year, embassies, and she went to Morocco to Fez, Marrakech and Rabat Zagora. I love Morocco so much. This summer I travel to Morocco and Study Arabic in Fez. Study the Arabic Language in Morocco for six week. I'm excited to live in Arab country, and I want to live with an Arab family
Awesome, Carl. Are you staying with our driver's friend? :)
The embassy part was a mistake that I have now corrected (it occurred from having one letter out of place). Otherwise it is more or less what I meant. Still Google's translation is a bit "rough" as Arabic and English do not translate directly very well (which makes it really hard for a automated service like Google translate to make a smooth translation).
Your translation skipped my first sentence though "Peace be upon you!"
I hope I am staying with our drivers friend!
Actually the school arranges the home stays. If they run out of home stays they arrange cheap hotels, so if I am really lucky perhaps I will spend six weeks sleeping on a roof!
I was waiting for some Arabic - I'm impressed - I can't even distinguish any of the shapes. :)
Hello Carl, I have been working on a project to aid communication between people of different cultures. I created a website that teaches language for free. Why you ask? I invite you to read my story at http://lingohut.com/?pageAction=about
The reasons folks need to learn a new language can be different.
I am emailing you to ask for your help. I want to tell folks in your area that this free service exists. Please visit http://lingohut.com/?in_spoken=69;
Please tell folks this service is available for free. Together you and I can improve the communications of the world.
Thank you for your help
Founder of LingoHut.com
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