Sunday, February 28, 2010

Basilica Madonna di San Luca

Yesterday proved to be another beautiful spring day here in Italy, with temperatures around 60 and mostly sunny conditions. While I did have class Saturday morning (not a fan of Saturday classes by the way), I wanted to take advantaged of the beautiful weather. I was not really interested in traveling somewhere since I went to Pisa weekend, and I am going to Sicily next weekend (stay posted for updates on that next week!). So instead a friend and I decided we would go and see one of the sights here in Bologna that had been neglected so far, Basilica Madonna di San Luca.

The Basilica Madonna di San Luca sits onto of a huge hill in the Southwest part of Bologna, and getting to it is not exactly a walk in the park. From School it was about a 5 km walk just to the base of the hill where the path starts to go up very rapidly. Once you get to the bottom of the hill you start going up a 3.5 km path covered by 666 arcades named the Portico di San Luca! While my total round trip hike was nothing compared to the 50 some kilometers my family members did skiing on this day it was still a nice little workout.

The view from inside the arcades going up and up and up....

Arial Photo of the all 666 arcades of the Portico di San Luca leading up to the Basilica Madonna di San Luca

Once we finally reached the top we could see the entire city of Bologna, the Dolomite mountains to the east, and the foothills of Tuscany to the west. In addition the Basilica was also very beautiful and well constructed. All in all it proved to be an excellent excursion.

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