It is hard to believe after years of dreaming and planning that tomorrow I am actually leaving for Europe! It seems like just yesterday that I bought my airline ticket (actually last September) setting my trip dates in stone!
I will be flying out of Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport June 30th at 6:20 pm on Icelandic Airlines . My first destination is a two day stopover in Reykjavik, Iceland! After that I will fly to the mainland and land in Copenhagen, Denmark.
From that point I will be using my two month Eurail Pass to transverse the continent of Europe. The early part of my trip is well planned out, while the later parts of my trip are still being developed. I plan to spend the nights at Youth Hostels and with friends and family throughout the trip.
I am very thankful for the opportunity to go on this trip, this truly is a once in a lifetime type of trip. I am very blessed to have the financial wherewithal (especially considering the dollar lately!), as well as a supportive family!
I hope you will all enjoy hearing a bit about my trip through this blog!